Intentional replantation is a procedure in which the tooth is extracted, the infection is removed, and then the tooth is immediately re-inserted into its original place in the socket. It is generally used as a last resort for teeth for which an apicoectomy is not an option due to their position in the mouth. The procedure is similar to an apicoectomy, but the work is done outside of the mouth.

After local anaesthesia, the tooth is gently removed from the mouth. The infected tip of the root is cut and a special filling is placed in the end of the root to seal the canals. The tooth is out of the mouth for no more than 10 minutes. Once the extraoral work has been completed, the tooth is reinserted into the socket. The bone heals naturally around the root over a period of several months.

It is normal to experience some pain or slight swelling after the procedure. Medication will be prescribed to alleviate any discomfort.


Internal bleaching is a procedure used to whiten a tooth from the inside out. First, a root canal is performed to remove any infected pulp. A paste is then placed deep inside the tooth. This paste reacts with the stains and dissolves them, making the tooth appear whiter.

Why is internal bleaching better than other treatments?

Standard teeth whitening treatments remove discolorations on the outer surface of the tooth enamel. Toothpaste, mouthwash and whitening gels only act on the surface of the teeth. Teeth that appear darker due to pulp damage or infection are not likely to respond to standard whitening treatments. Internal bleaching can eliminate the darkest stains and return your tooth to its natural colour.

What should I expect after an internal bleaching treatment?

While an internal bleaching treatment can leave the affected tooth several shades whiter, its results are not permanent. The treated tooth as well as other teeth may become discoloured after eating and drinking foods that can stain the teeth, such as coffee, tea and red wine.

By avoiding food and lifestyle choices that contribute to staining as much as possible, you can help prolong the results of treatment and continue enjoying your white, attractive smile.


A traumatic dental injury is damage caused to a tooth by an accident. Dental injury can result from a motor vehicle accident, playing sports, tripping and falling, or receiving a direct blow to the mouth.

If you have suffered a dental accident or injury, we can help save your natural tooth using the latest treatments and technologies.

I had an accident. How do I know if my teeth are okay?

Often, after an accident occurs, we are more focused on injuries to the body. However, it is also important to ensure that your teeth have not been damaged. In some cases, a traumatic dental injury is very obvious: your tooth may feel loose, be visibly cracked or fractured, or be displaced from its normal position.

It is also possible for a tooth to be damaged and not show any obvious signs of injury. Be sure to make an appointment with your endodontist, who specializes in accidents and injuries involving the teeth, to ensure that there is no underlying damage present.

What can be done for a fractured tooth?

If your tooth is visibly cracked or fractured, we can repair it. Following dental accidents and traumatic dental injuries, our team can perform a root canal treatment to remove inflamed and injured pulp from the tooth. Your dentist can then complete the treatment by capping the tooth with a crown.

What if my tooth is loose or dislodged?

A loose or dislodged tooth after an accident is a dental emergency. Call CESL to schedule an appointment, and we will make sure that you are quickly seen. Treatment will start with repositioning your tooth and ensuring that it is stable in the socket. We can then determine whether root canal treatment is necessary to protect the tooth.

I knocked out a tooth. What do I do?

If your tooth has been knocked out, pick it up by the crown (the part of the tooth that is visible in the mouth) — do not touch the root. Rinse the tooth gently with water, but do not scrub it or dry it. Place it inside your mouth, under your tongue. However, if you are in too much pain or are bleeding too severely, you can place the tooth in milk. The tooth must be kept moist if it is to be saved. Contact us immediately for an emergency visit.